For program budgeting and reforms in key socio-economic areas participants are announced today at the BIA held an open call for '2012 Budget

"For years, discussions about the state budget are focused on the collection and spending, but I think this is a secondary issue. We, as citizens and taxpayers, would like to see what purpose is the state, respectively - on what policies and projects is intended to work and what criteria will be measured the impact of the spending on these policies and projects funds. "

With these words, Chairman of the BIA Sasho Dontchev opened today (November 3, 2011) discussion Budget'2011 involving economic experts Georgi Angelov, Peter Ganev,Kiril Ananiev, Vladimir Karolev, Vice-President of the Confederation NicholasNenkov and BCCI Secretary Vasil Todorov.

The participants shared the view that the proposed project for state budget for next year does not provide reforms and does not create conditions for reform, especially in the public sector - administrative reform, e-Government, active research and innovation policy, education reform, health care, social security, labor market, business environment etc.

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