BusinessEurope has serious concerns about the proposed revision of the European Works Council Directive published by the European Commission today. BusinessEurope Director General Markus J. Beyrer said: 

“The Commission’s proposal to include agreements made before 1996 or between 2009-2011 in the Directive will damage many well-functioning European Works Councils. The renewal procedures in these agreements, allowing for mutually beneficial adaptations, should be respected. 

Another key issue is the proposed presumption of transnationality in cases that only involve one Member State. This creates overlaps in national and European information and consultation processes and leads to legal uncertainty. 

We are also concerned by the additional constraints put on management when conducting EWCs consultations, for example, by interfering with the right of management to decide what is confidential information. The proposal to allow Member States impose prior administrative or judicial authorisation of non-disclosure by companies would harm business competitiveness and delay companies’ decision-making.”

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