BIA has sent to the Ministry of Finance and the National Revenue Agency its standpoint within the public consultations on Draft Ordinance on the conditions and procedures for fiscal control over the movement of goods with high fiscal risk on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria, published on 25.08.2023.

The Bulgarian Industrial Association has always supported the government's efforts for effective prevention and counteraction against tax fraud, evasion and non-payment of taxes.

However, we express our serious concern regarding the draft Ordinance on the conditions and procedure for fiscal control over the movement of goods with high fiscal risk on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria, which is published for public discussion and attempts to regulate primary relations. The difficulties of the proposed changes will be many times more than the benefits related to achieving efficiency and optimisation of control activities and improvement of fiscal control.

The proposed changes create an additional administrative burden, there is a risk that the proposed provisions could adversely affect competition, but also lead to tensions between the individual addressees of contractual obligations. The standpoint is also taking into account the opinion of the branch organisations, members of the Bulgarian Industrial Association and the National Food Council.

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