In 2022, 96.1% of the non-financial enterprises with 10 or more persons employed had internet access. Fixed internet connection was available in 89.1% of the enterprises and the maximum download speed in 45.7% was more than 100 Mbps.

The relative share of the persons employed who had access to the internet was 40.2%. Portable devices that allow a mobile connection to the internet for business purposes used by 22.2% and for a five-year period the relative share increased more than two times.

More than two-thirds of the enterprises (67.5%) provided the persons employed with remote access, and the highest relative share was observed among the enterprises with 250 or more persons employed - 89.0%.

In 2022, 15.9% of the enterprises had persons employed for whom the main job was to develop, operate or maintain ICT systems or applications.

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