RIA Ruse is one of the four approved organizations in the country, which will have the opportunity to participate in the pilot program of BIA. The pilot program is aimed at developing business centers, providing services, qualification and information for companies, organization of businesses, business organizations, companies.

The following features will be developed in the program:

  • Business information, analysis and statistics;
  • Administrative services, incl. activities of the "outsourced office";
  • Consultations and servicing of activities related to access to finance (including grants, trade and other types of financing);
  • Organization of targeted business and trade missions;
  • Training to improve the qualifications of workers and employees on the spot;
  • Healthy and safe working conditions;
  • Cybersecurity;
  • Development of joint initiatives to offer ICT services (including free online tips on the global Cisco System program);
  • Environment.

The work on the creation of the conditions for the development of the activities under the Program will start in January 2022.

The project is financed by its own funds and resources, and the experts’ trainings and information are provided by BIA.

RIA Ruse expects evaluation of several more projects under national programs that will add value to the quality of business within the region.

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