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Agenda of the First European Round Table

TransFormWork VS/2021/0014

3 December 2021

(9:30-13:00 CET / 10:3014:00 EET)


The meeting is organized and hosted by: Estonian Employers’ Confederation ETKL 

Working language: EN 

Moderator: Raul Aron, analyst-advisor of Estonian Employers' Confederation 

9:30 -10:00 „The European Social dialogue and the progress of the implementation of the Autonomous European Framework Agreements, in particular the FA on Digitalisation from the perspective of ETUC and Business Europe” - TBC 

10:00 -10:15 Presentation of the project TransformWork – Ina Atanasova, project manager, Confederation of Independent Trade Unions in Bulgaria 

10:15 – 10:45 Presentation of the Estonian Employers' Confederation. Results of Estonian desk research.“ Raul Aron, analyst-advisor of Estonian Empoyers` Confederation 

10:45 – 11:00 Main trends and preliminary conclusions from the desk researches in the partner countries of the project – Lyuboslav Kostov, Director of the Institute for Social and Trade Union Research at CITUB 

11:00 CET-11:15 BREAK 

11:15- 11:45 „How we sent 1600 computer users to home office in one day - Katrina Laurson-Suurna“, Leading HR partner of Eesti Energia 

11:45 CET-12:15 „Cyber Security in Estonia“ - Sander Valvas, Head of Cybersecurity Department of Cybernetica 

12:15 CET-12:45 „E-residency in Estonia“ - Lauri Haav, CEO of e-residency of EAS Enterprise Estonia 

12:45 CET-13:00 Discussion and suggestions 


Zoom link - Passcode: 345442

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