Lesaffre Bulgaria won two gold medals in the category “Innovative products” in the tasting competition, which was held as part of the largest exhibition for bakers in Bulgaria BULPEK 2021. The company received the award for two of its latest products in the range Livendo Rype: wheat yeast and wholemeal rye yeast, which are already on the Bulgarian market.

Bulpek is one of the most prestigious exhibitions in Bulgaria for bakers and confectioners and the awards are among the most prestigious in the bakery industry. The winners are selected by a jury composed of industry experts. For the first time this year, the organizers held a competition for an innovative product aimed at healthy nutrition of Bulgarians and meeting the high criteria of current standards. Two of Lesaffre Bulgaria’s products from the Livendo Rype range - Wheat Yeast and Whole Grain Rye Yeast - were awarded a Gold Medal and a diploma.

The products meet all three basic requirements: organoleptics, composition and application. The yeasts from the Livendo range comply with the requirements for healthy bread, are easy to work with and enable bakers to create their own unique and tasteful solutions.

This award is a recognition of our company, which has always been among the world’s leading bakery companies. Bulpek is a long-standing symbol in the bakery industry in Bulgaria and it is a real honor for us to be appreciated nationally by professionals in the industry. What makes us most happy is that the award recognizes innovative solutions after an extremely unusual and difficult year, from which we came out even stronger and proved that we are professionals, regardless of the circumstances. Thank you to our entire team for their efforts and dedication”, commented Veneta Pisarska, CEO of Lesaffre Bulgaria.

The award was presented by Mrs. Mariana Kukusheva - President of the National Branch Union of Bakers and Confectioners with gratitude to Lesaffre for many years of work to improve the quality of bread for Bulgarians. This well-deserved award is an incentive to continue our work so that our bread is tasty, healthy and wholesome and to follow our mission and “make the bread big”.

About Lesaffre Bulgaria

Lesaffre Bulgaria was founded 22 years ago and is part of Lesaffre Group Inc., an international expert and leader in the field of fermentation processes and technologies. Lesaffre Group Inc. provides a wide range of products for the production of bread and bakery products, food products and additives, beverages, animal feed and bio-ethanol. The group was founded in 1853 in northern France and today operates on 5 continents, in 50 countries, with 70 factories and 10 research centers. The group’s turnover for 2020 is over 2.2 billion euros. The company employs over 10,700 employees and over 620 scientists and experts. 1/3 of the world’s breads are made with Lesaffre products and every day 1 billion people eat a complete and healthy diet of foods prepared with Lesaffre products.

For additional information, please contact Lesaffre Bulgaria on +359887395830 and office.bg@lesaffre.com

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