The European Climate Pact and the global campaign Count Us In are joining forces to inspire citizens and communities across Europe to take practical steps to reduce carbon pollution.
All Europeans will take a ‘step’ to reduce their carbon footprint via the Count Us In platform – from talking to friends, walking and cycling more, reducing food waste, and insulating a home to save energy.
The 16 steps have been selected with experts from the UN Environment Programme as the most effective ways for individuals to reduce carbon pollution.
Individuals, communities, businesses and organisations taking part will be able to track how much carbon they have saved, come together with their friends or colleagues to reach carbon saving targets, and challenge others to get involved.
In 2021, the European Climate Pact and Count Us In will launch a multilingual version of the Count Us In platform, which towns, schools, communities groups and individuals across the EU can adapt and use to take steps to combat climate change.
Every carbon-saving step taken by European citizens will add up to something bigger. This is because the measures will be counted by the global Count Us In aggregator, alongside millions of others being taken worldwide.
With this initiative, the European Commission encourages citizens, communities and organisations to commit to the environment. The European Climate Pact is part of the European Green Pact, chaired by the Executive Vice-President of the European Commission, Frans Timmermans.
The Pact aims to help mobilise a social movement in the EU to develop real-world climate solutions. The opportunities for engaging and supporting the Pact are diverse.
The business can participate with the so-called organisation commitments and involve its employees, customers, suppliers, communities and other stakeholders. Several international companies, including Bayer, SAP, Zalando, Netflix, Google, UEFA, Uber, Vodafone and others, have already contributed to the initiative.
Your participation can affect your CSR policies.
How is this supposed to happen:
▪ It is possible to commit as a company and claim your contribution (by selecting a specific pledge) on the Pact website. If you already have corporate goals for managing your environmental impact, they can now become "more visible."
▪ You could implement an internal information campaign for your employees, motivating them to make an individual commitment through the platform.
▪ You can even go a step further and think about engaging your customers (for example, through specific information campaigns, additional trade incentives, etc.).
The initiative comes from the Directorate-General for Climate Action (DG Clima), which engages a consortium of organisations developing and managing the Covenant Secretariat. The partners are led by ICF and include denkstatt, CDP Europe, Count Us In, Friends of Europe, Ifok , LOW and Ramboll.
For further details about the initiative, please visit the European Climate Pacts' website.
denkstatt coordinates the implementation of the Climate Pact in 12 EU Member States and will head the Pact Coordination Center for Eastern Europe.
Let's be partners!
For additional information and participation: or phone: +359883371104 - Katrin Tomova.