The Chairman of BIA Radosvet Radev guested on BG on air.

So why is it important to vote?

"The people are sovereign, as per our constitution, and the greatest right of the sovereign is to express their right to sovereignty. To go and elect the people to represent them in the legislature, who in turn elect representatives in the executive branch. Therefore, when we are courageous and bold critics of a government, it is good to remember four, three or two years ago, when the previous parliamentary vote took place, whether we were standing in front of the ballot box or the machines. Bulgaria is coming out of some very complicated turbulent times and, as the old saying goes - "the voice of the people, the voice of God." That is, the voice of each person on the Bulgarian voter lists is the best to be in the lists and the ballot boxes ", concluded Radosvet Radev, Chairman of BIA.

Many people do not vote.

"According to the theory of big numbers, it is expected that not all of us have the same behaviour, which is why we are different people. When the geography of voting sections expands, the possibility to vote outside the geographical borders of Bulgaria states a democratization process allowing new voices to be considered. I think the modern democrat takes advantage of it unless there are some insurmountable problems - they have to travel from city to city, they're hospitalized, etc.

It all depends on us, it's a cliche, but it's a fact.

"Of course it is. We are the ones who ultimately determine the way we live. And this is one of the few days in the 4-year standard period that is very important to do something for ourselves. ".

People are worried about the machine vote. So how do they vote in Europe?

"I have to tell you that I have not once voted with a machine so far. There was a machine in the April elections, but an elderly gentleman blocked me, and I voted with a paper ballot. But I don't think the device is causing any problems; instead, reading different ratings will solve part of the problem because, indeed, a paper ballot can only become invalid by adding one X, the very fact that there were 400,000 invalid ballots during the last elections. Is this the genuine will of the Bulgarian voter? "

How important is it for businesses to have a stable government?

"Unfortunately, Bulgaria is not Belgium, which is without a government for 591 days, and the business is not affected in any way by this thing. On the one hand, it has limited competence to govern the country, part of the problems that business expects to be solved, alas "We need a parliament. From this point of view, it is imperative what kind of people we elect in this parliament, how economically and legally literate they are, because some of the troubles were connected to incompetency but were voted as laws."

According to Radosvet Radev, this is a severe claim of business to have enlightened management of business processes.

"Of course, the categorical opposition to the whole model can make businesses unequal. Whether through corruption schemes, whether through in-house orders, whether through hidden favourites, through the cartelization of markets, all those things that I often hear political parties say, but I'm not sure whether they understand it."

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