By Decision № C (2021) 3393 of 07.05.2021 the European Commission approved the final 5.0 version of the Operational Program "Science and Education for Smart Growth" 2014-2020 (OPNOIR).
The change is related to the increase of the budget of the program with the financial resource determined for OPNOIR for 2021 under REACT-EU, to ensure continuity of the learning process in response to the pandemic of COVID-19. The program is supplemented with a new Priority Axis 5 "Equal access to school education in crisis conditions" with 100% funding from the European Social Fund in the amount of EUR 56,018,444 (BGN 109,562,555).
The aim is to purchase additional devices for at least 10% of teachers and students in a short time and to conduct training programs for students, teachers, educational mediators, parents, to prevent interruption of the educational process and inclusive education in crises, and to counteract the risk of dropping out during online schooling. It also foresees conducting synchronous distance learning in an electronic environment for students for the period in which they are quarantined or do not attend a daily face-to-face form of education for medical or other valid reasons. The new priority axis will support Bulgaria's efforts to address the crisis caused by COVID-19 and its consequences in the education sector.
The program is made possible with the support of the European Union's policies battling the COVID-19 pandemic effects and the additional funds provided under REACT-EU for 2021 under the European Union's Recovery Instrument. The measures will be implemented through a Regulation ( EU) 2020/2221 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 December 2020 amending Regulation (EU) № 1303/2013 as additional resources and implementing arrangements tangling the effects of the crisis in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and its social consequences, thus preparing the ecological, digital and sustainable economic recovery (REACT-EU).