Bulgarian citizens will have even easier and direct access to information about the European Union thanks to a network of new EUROPE DIRECT centers, which will start operating this month in various areas of the country. They are part of a total of 424 new-generation information centers launched by the European Commission across the EU.

These centers aim to strengthen the important link between the EU institutions and European citizens. EUROPE DIRECT teams will help explain how Europe is fighting the COVID-19 pandemic, stimulate recovery through information on the NextGenerationEU plan and promote a green and digital transition.

To modernize their role and mandate, the new generation of centers will organize civic dialogues and participatory events, for example for the Conference on the Future of Europe. They will provide relevant information on EU policies and priorities to local communities, civil and professional organizations, the media, etc., and will include them in their activities.

The new centers will also promote active European citizenship in schools and coordinate with other EU networks in the regions, providing easier access to information at a local level for citizens, organizations, and businesses.

The EUROPE DIRECTLY centers are located in Blagoevgrad, Burgas, Varna, Vidin, Vratsa, Gabrovo, Dobrich, Dupnitsa, Plovdiv, Ruse, Smolyan, Stara Zagora, and Shumen. However, their activities will cover many municipalities in the respective areas. The European Commission calls on any citizen who has questions or needs specific information about the EU to contact the nearest center.

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