On October 18, 2019 in the renovated high-tech Inter Expo Center in Sofia will be held the autumn HR conference of Bulgarian Association for People Management. The theme of the event is "Leading HR Transformation" and the program includes topics related to the digitalization of HR function, change management, agile HR and more. On August 15, 2019, start registrations for the event.

Traditionally, speakers will be famous practitioners and HR professionals from global and national importance that will share best practices and lessons learned in the implementation of the transformation of the HR function.

Emphasis will be behavioral-operational aspect of transformation - namely its introduction and leading, considering the change as an opportunity for the expression of leadership skills of each professional involved in it, irrespective of its hierarchical level in the organization.

Each participant in the conference will be given the opportunity to 'steal', share and discuss experiences, practices and decisions.

Details of the event can be found HERE and the deadline for early birds is September 30, 2019

The teams of the companies and the members of BAPM enjoy additional preferential terms - do not miss the opportunity for a discount!


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