“Top 10 Innovations” is an event to select the most notable among recent innovative developments in energy and climate change mitigation. By examining the field “Top 10 Innovations” will provide the latest snapshot of technology development and diffusion with the potential to transform society in the fields of energy and environment. The event helps us to understand the state and trends of innovations in each respective area, and helps find areas where further efforts are needed in the future.

Who can apply?

Anyone in a wide range of organizations and individuals who are working in the fields of energy and environment can recommend own business or technology as a candidate in the following two phases:

  1. Research & Development: Commercial potential of the technological innovation by 2050
  2. Adoption & Implementation: Commercial potential of the technological innovation by 2030

How to apply

Applications must be submitted by e-mail using the Application Form. In addition, pictures which illustrate the business or technology are also required to be submitted for the purpose of preparing poster of it. Please click the “Download the Application Form” button to download the form. After filling the form, please submit it to the ICEF Secretariat: (icef-reg@congre.co.jp) with pictures. 

The application form can be found here: https://www.icef-forum.org/top10/

Deadline for submitting applications: 30 June 2019

ICEF 2019 Top 10 Innovations will be selected from the candidates through votes by ICEF 2019 participants.

You can find the previous winners here: https://www.icef-forum.org/top10/

For more information visit: https://www.icef-forum.org/about/

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