The Bulgarian Industrial Association was a host of an informational event, part of the series of events for explanation of the mechanism of the Programme Business Development, Innovation and SMEs, part of the Norwegian Financial Mechanism. The programme scheme for the period 2014-2021 is worth EUR 28.5 million.

The event was opened by Margarita Popova – General Secretary and Vice-President of the Bulgarian Industrial Association. The information was presented by Venceslava Yanchovska – Manager of Innovation Norway for Bulgaria and Galina Vasileva – programme coordinator, Innovation Norway. Business representatives and members of BIA were part of large group of participants.

The representatives of Innovation Norway answered many questions and explained the grant conditions by giving guidelines for applying to companies.

Due to the great expressed interest by business representatives, a second similar meeting will take place at BIA on the 2 July at 15:00.

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