The final REACH registration deadline for chemicals is on 31 May 2018. Join our free REACH 2018 Stakeholders' Day in Helsinki to get the most up-to-date advice, support and case studies to help you register successfully.

  • On 29 January, we offer hands-on training on Chesar, the chemical safety assessment and reporting tool.
  • On 30 January, we offer one-to-one meetings with our experts and training on the IT tools IUCLID Cloud and REACH-IT. 
  • On 31 January, our conference gives news and advice on the main issues companies are facing. 

Participation is free of charge.  

Take part

You can follow the conference live via web-streaming on 31 January and send questions online. The link to view the web-stream will be available here a few days before. There is no need to register to follow the web-stream. 

If you would still like to take part in the event in person, email us at: echa-events (at)


Full programme >>   

Introducing our speakers >> 


The event will be held in two different locations. 

29-30 January (IT tool training and one-to-one sessions):
European Chemicals Agency
Annankatu 18
00120 Helsinki
Tel. +358 9 686180

31 January (conference):
Scandic Marina Congress Center
Katajanokanlaituri 6
00160 Helsinki

Travel and accommodation

Participants will need to cover the cost of their own travel and accommodation.

If you like, you can book a hotel room directly in connection to the conference taking place on 31 January, in hotel Scandic Grand Marina.

The price is EUR 129 / single room / night. This price is valid as long as there are places left.

To get this price, make your booking using this link.

Go to the BOOK box on the right and choose the dates and the number of people. 

  • Then click on 'See rooms and prices' and choose the room by clicking on 'book'.
  • Continue by filling in the requested information - and the booking is ready.

With this booking code, you can book rooms for 28.1-1.2.2018. Please book your room at the latest by 15 January 2018.

You are also welcome to choose any other hotel you prefer. Information about hotels in Helsinki can be found HERE


The language of the meeting is English.

Contact email

For specific questions, contact:

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