28 November 2016
14.00 – 16.00
 BusinessEurope (Avenue de Cortenbergh 168, 1000 Brussels)


While investment is slowly picking up, it remains far below investment needs in Europe, casting a shadow over prospects of competitiveness and prosperity in the EU. The Investment Plan for Europe, launched in 2014, was welcomed by business. It is now time to evaluate results so far and understand if we are doing enough to address the investment gap in Europe.

BusinessEurope has the pleasure to invite you to an interactive panel debate on the Investment Plan for Europe. What are the results it brought so far? Is the European Fund for Strategic Investment really delivering? Is the proposal to extend the EFSI drawing the necessary lessons from the experience so far? Are barriers for investment being left as a secondary issue? What is the role of public investment and how can we make a better use of the EU funds?

These are some of the questions that will be debated by the following panelists:

  • Markus J. Beyrer, Director General of BusinessEurope
  • Mercedes Bresso, Member of the European Parliament (tbc)
  • Miguel Gil-Tertre, Member of cabinet of Vice-President Katainen
  • Alberto Mazzola, International Affairs Senior Vice President, Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane and EESC rapporteur for the EFSI extension
  • Wilhelm Molterer, Managing Director of the European Fund for Strategic Investment
  • Per Thiesen, Executive Vice President & CFOO, Terma - aerospace, defense and security

Moderated by David Rinaldi Research Fellow at CEPS

This event is organized in the context of Invest Week www.InvestWeek.eu

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