BSC-Commerceconsult offers complete customs service and consultation about international regimes.

When signing a contract about complete customs representation, members of the Bulgarian Industrial Association are granted the following discount:

  • If services exceed the price of 500 lv. per month, the client is granted 10% discount.
  • If services exceed the price of 1000 lv. per month, the client is granted 15% discount.

Consultations about Bulgaria and other countries' International Regimes

        а) oral consultation – up to 15 minutes 
          price: 13.40 lv. 

        b) written consultation 
          price: subject to negotiation

We can provide translations by professional translators in the following languages: 

  • English,
  • German,
  • Polish,
  • Portuguese,
  • Romanian,
  • Russian,
  • Ukrainian,
  • French,
  • Czech, etc.
  • Customs Declaration – EAD;
  • Export invoice;
  • Certificates of Origin;
  • Bill of lading;
  • Others.

Issuing Export Documents: 
Remark: prices are without VAT 

  • Issuing an export invoice

а) standard form
time to prepare: 10 minutes. 
price: 6 lv. 
b) form provided by the client 
time to prepare: 15 minutes. 
price: 8 lv. 

  • Issuing Certificate of Origin

а) Standard Form
time to issue and certify: 20 minutes. 
price: 6 lv. 
price of the certification: from 15 to 290 lv. (depends on the price of the stock exported). 
b) "Form A"
time to issue: 20 minutes. 
price: 6,00 lv. 
price of the certification: from 15 to 290 lv. (depends on the price of the stock exported). 

  • Issuing an EUR 1 Certificate

          time to issue: 20 minutes. 
          price: 6,00 lv. 
          price to legalize at the customs: 20,00 lv. 

  • Preparing a package list

         time to prepare: 10 minutes. 
         price: 6,00 lv. 

  • Preparing an export certificate

          time to prepare: 10 minutes. 
          price: 6,00 lv. 

  • Preparing an export certificate in the corresponding ministry

а) registration regime 
price: 60 lv. 
b) authorization regime 
price: 60 lv. 

  • Preparing an authorization for export and transfer of products and technologies with possible double usage
    price: 60 lv. 
  • Preparing a phytosanitary certificate
    price: 60 lv. 
  • Preparing a veterinary certificate
    price: 60 lv. 
  • Preparing a bill of lading
    price: 6 lv. 
  • Certification of documents at the Consular Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affaitrs
    price: 30, 00 lv.
  • Certification of documents at the Consular Department of foreign embassies
    price: 30,00 lv. 
  • Preparing an EAD

а) ЕАD 1 
time to prepare: 20 minutes. 
price: 7,50 lv. 
b) ЕАD 2 
time to prepare: 15 minutes. 
price: 5,00 lv. (for each position)
c) on electronic holder 
time to prepare: 10 minutes. 
price: 6,70 lv. 

  • Representation at the Customs Administration
    price: 50,00 lv. 
  • Customs Declaration – EAD;
  • Customs manifesto;
  • Observation document;
  • Import license;
  • Others.

Issuing Import Documents 
Remark:prices are without VAT 

  • Preparing an import certificate
    time to prepare: 10 minutes.
    price: 6,00 lv. 
  • Import Certificate in the necessary ministry

a) registration regime 
price: 60,00 lv. 
b) authorization regime 
price: 52,90 lv. 

  • Preparing an import certificate for products and technologies with possible double usage
    price: 60 lv. 
  • Preparing an observation document
    price: 60 lv. 
  • Preparing an import license
    price: 60 lv. 
  • Preparing an import certificate for hazardous substances
    price: 60,00 lv. 
  • Preparing a quarantine certificate
    price: 60,00 lv. 
  • Preparing a value declaration
    time to prepare: 10 minutes
    price: 6,00 lv. 
  • Paying at the Customs
    price: 5,00 lv. 
  • Preparing a customs manifesto

          time to prepare: 15 minutes. 
          price: 6,00 lv. 

  • Preparing an electronic copy of a Customs manifesto
    time to prepare: 15 minutes.
    price: 6,70 lv. 
  • Preparing an EAD

а) ЕАD 1
time to prepare: 20 minutes. 
price: 7,50 lv. 
b) ЕАD 2 
time to prepare: 15 minutes. 
цена: 5,00 lv. (for each position) 
c) on electronic holder 
time to prepare: 10 minutes. 
price: 6,70 lv. 

  • Representation at the Customs Administration
    price: 50,00 lv. 
  • oral consultation – up to 15 minutes 
    price: 13.40 lv. 

  • written consultation 
    price: subject to negotiation

Head Office

Address: 1000 Sofia, 27 "Tsar Samuil" Str.

Phones: +3592 9533286; +3592 4448842;

GSM:+359 887 144480, +359 887 285690, +359 888 349635

Fax: +3592 9533286


Burgas +35956/840850; +359887/933033
Gabrovo - Aries Ltd. +35966/804063
Haskovo +359887/674393
Kardjali +359361/64577; +359361/64585
Lovech +35968/620113; +359887/427263
Pazardjik +35934/443315; +35934/447335
Plovdiv +35932/902442
Razgrad +35984/662434; +359878/556126
Rousse +35982/825013; +359887/099155
Rousse - Rousse Free Zone +35982/880816
Sandanski +359746/35255; +359889/910045
Shumen +35954/800401; +35954/800399
Silistra +35986/823745; +359897/601400
Smolyan +359301/63314
Stara Zagora +35942/641141; +35942/255129
Targovishte - Neft Oil Ltd. +35960/167092; +359882/266200
Varna +35952/622346; +35952/622304
Varna - Bon Marine Ltd. +35952/687155
Varna - Mikaela Ltd. +35952/630082; +35952/630083
Varna - Neft Oil Ltd. +359889/868600
Veliko Tarnovo +35962/651921; +359884/462633;
Vratza +35992/988818; +359885/954628
Yambol +35946/663239; +35946/663187;


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