Climate change, natural resources depletion and the progress towards ‘a circular economy’ drive the countries in South-East Europe to transform their energy, urban and waste systems. Following the global trends and responding to the market demand of new environmentally friendly technologies, the SEE Exhibitions and Eco Forum are a timely event in the Region. It plays an important role as a showcase and knowledge exchange platform for representatives of business, state authorities, branch organizations, NGOs, media, etc.
The SEE Exhibitions coverage:
- ‘Save the Planet’: waste collection, transport, treatment, landfill management and operations, recycling technologies and equipment;
- ‘Energy Efficiency & Renewables’: energy efficient solutions for HVAC, lighting, energy efficient construction, renewable energy, energy and resource recovery, waste-to-energy, etc.;
- ‘Smart Cities’: energy management, smart grid,energy storage, intelligent buildings, lighting, metereing, ICT, mobility and transport, electric vehicles, urban planning;
- New accent is ‘Save the Life’ - emergency, rescue- and safety management and control.
The Forum
Highlights: Circular Economy, Zero Waste, Plastic Waste Recycling, Recycling of Construction & Demolition Waste (C&DW), District Energy, Financing Energy Renovation of Buildings, nZEB, Trends and Developments in the Insulation Sector, Early Warning Systems (EWS), Climate Change Policy and Practice, Preparing for Risks and Crisis on an Individual Level, etc.
Speakers from Euroheat & Power, BIA, ENEP, EDA, IBESA, WDMA and Plastics Recyclers Europe have confirmed already their participation.
Useful Links: Brochures: ‘EE & RE’ and ‘Smart Cities’ ‘Save the Planet’ ‘Save the Life’ Video 2014 Post Event Report 2014
Organizer: Via Expo Ltd. www.viaexpo.com