The Bulgarian Ambassador to Denmark, H.E. Mr. Valentin Poriazov, shall host a meeting of the Danish Bulgarian Business Club with Bulgarian companies related to Denmark on 10 July 2012 in Sofia.

The meeting shall take place on 10 July 2012, Tuesday, at 14h00 – 17h00 at the Conference Hall of the Bulgarian Industrial Association, 16-20 Alabin Str., Sofia.

The purpose of the meeting is to gather interested parties, people and companies alike, in order to boost the good contacts between the two countries. The meeting will be attended also by the Trade Counsellor at the Embassy in Copenhagen, Mr. Johanes R. Krikorian, Danish-owned companies in Bulgaria, other representatives and investors, members of the Bulgarian Industrial Association etc.                     

The meeting agenda reads as follows:


13.45-14.00      Registration

14.00-14.05      Welcome

14.05-14.30   The Ambassador’s view on the situation in Denmark from a Bulgarian perspective, including developments in trade between the two countries. Comments on the results obtained during the Danish Presidency which are of concern to Bulgaria.

14.30-14.45      Questions

14.45-15.30   The Trade Counsellor’s impression of the possibilities for export of Bulgarian goods and services to Denmark, alternatively possibilities of Bulgarian investments in Denmark or Danish investments in Bulgaria. It will also include information about the tourist sector.

15.30-15.45      Questions

15.45-16.10      Break. Networking

16.10-16.25   Information about the Bulgarian Danish Business Club delivered by Mr. Lennart Just Hansen, Chairman and the Bulgarian-Nordic Chamber of Commerce and by Vice President Chistopher Natchev

16.25-17.00   Discussion – companies are encouraged to ask individual questions

17.00     End of meeting.


 As a host of this event, the Bulgarian Industrial Association would like to invite all parties interested in future business cooperation with Denmark.

Due to space and time constrictions, we would kindly ask you to confirm your participation (including names and number of attendees) by e-mail at or at not later than 5 July 2012.

Thank you for your cooperation and we are looking forward to seeing you there!

On behalf of the Bulgarian Danish Business Club

Lennart Just Hansen


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