A discussion with branch organizations, members of BIA, entitled “Employers’ Organizations Structure and Management – Modern Tendencies in the European Union” shall be held on Monday, 26 April 2010, at 11:30 a.m. in BIA’s Conference room. The meeting is part of the programme for the celebration of BIA’s 30th anniversary.

A guest lector shall be Mr. Jean-Marie Standaert, permanent representative of BIA in Brussels and former Head of the Employers’ Section with the International Labour Office in Budapest. Mr. Standaert’s major topic for presentation is “Structure and Management of Sector Organizations at a National and International Level – Modern Tendencies and Challenges.”

The discussion is believed to bring out ideas for enhancing the work process and for a better coordination between BIA and its Branch and Reginal members, and their partners in Brussels. Special emphasis shall be laid on the newest European insights into the industrial relations and the role of the employers’ organizations in that direction.

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