The Management of BIA, along with the Balkan Middle Class Office, shall receive a German delegation headed by the Minister President of the German federal state of Rhineland-Palatinate (Rheinland-Pfalz), Mr. Kurt Beck, on 21 June 2010 at 16h00 at BIA's Conference Hall (Alabin 16-20, 1st Floor).      


The German delegation includes Mrs. Monika Fuhr, Deputy Spokesperson of Rhineland-Palatinate Land Government, Mrs. Johanna Kretschmer, Advisor on Transborder Cooperation in the State Administration, His Excellency Mr. Matthias Hoepfner, Ambassador of Germany, Alexander Baden, Chief Executive Director of Koblenz Chamber of Crafts and Chairman of the Governing Body of the Balkan Office, Joerg Rathmann, President of South and Eastern Europe Centre of Rhineland-Palatinate, journalists from Suedwestrundfunk (SWR) and ARD Television Channel.  

The meeting shall be open to journalists.


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