The seminar is intended for organizations which should notify the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA). The topics for discussion shall cover registration procedure with regard to Regulation (EC) №1907/2006 (REACH).


A lector from the European Chemicals Agency will participate in the seminar.


Participation fee is 80.00 BGN, VAT included. Transfer should be made to Plovdiv Regional Industrial Association, UniCredit Bulbank, Plovdiv branch office BIK UNCRBGSF, IBAN BG58UNCR76301043994773



For more information:

Bulgarina Industrial Association
Clean Industry Center

Iliana Pavlova  
Tel: +359 2 980 30 55,  +359 2 980 30 55




Plovdiv Industrial Association
Maria Simeonova
Tel: +359 32 902 442,    +359 32 902 442


Fill in the registration form here.


Registration deadline - 23 September 2010. The number of participants is limited.  


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