On 19th april 2011, from 14.00, at BIA (ul. Alabin 16-20) will be establish sector advisory board “Tourism” within the project "Development and implementation of information systems to assess the competence of the workforce in sectors and regions.”
The project is implemented by BIA within OP Human Resources Development in the period 2009-2013 and provides for the development, deployment and maintenance of information system for assessing the competence of the workforce to be established nationwide network of reference units, located in 20 branch and 10 regional business organizations. Activities of reference units will be assisted by advisory councils in which representatives of all stakeholders in the development of the labor market parties - employers, unions, and government bodies, scientific and educational institutions.
To participate in the constituent assembly were invited representatives of: Ministry of Education and Science, the National Agency for vocational education and training, industry employers and trade unions in the sector and firms in which a pilot will be implemented competency models for human resources management resources.
After the establishment of sector advisory council will be held its first meeting, which is scheduled to be elected leadership of the council and to be discussed and adopted rules of organization and operation of the new structure.