On 18 and 19 May 2011 in Brussels for the ninth consecutive year will be held European Business Summit (European Business Summit), entitled "Europe in the world: at the top or among the laggards?".

European Business Summit (EBS) is an initiative of BUSINESSEUROPE (Confederation of European Business, whose member BIA) and the Federation of Belgian Enterprises (FEB), supported by the European Commission and EU Presidency.

Carried out so far eight editions of the Forum it became a key meeting of European business leaders and politicians on the continent.

EBS is a good opportunity to meet more than 2500 participants from the business community, scientific and political communities and NGOs. Participants from over 60 nationalities will exchange views on how businesses can help to release Europe from the economic crisis.


Forum program ( see. attached file below ) includes:

  • Seven thematic sessions:

  1. Small and medium enterprises;
  2. Professional skills (competencies);
  3. Information and communication technologies;
  4. Innovation;
  5. Industry;
  6. Economy;
  7. Trade.

  • Seven regional panel:

  1. Asia
  2. Brazil
  3. Russia
  4. Turkey
  5. North America
  6. China
  7. Africa



BUSINESSEUROPE invited by the BIA to the leaders of the Bulgarian branch organizations to include participation in various panels.

More information about the forum can be found on his site http://www.ebsummit.eu.

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