On September 1, 2011, Thursday at 11:00 in the BIA (Sofia, 16-20 Alabin) The Chairman of BIA will accept Sasho Donchev Ambassador of Ukraine in our NP Mykola Baltazhi.

Will be discussed opportunities for intensifying trade and economic relations between Bulgaria and Ukraine. Emphasis will be placed on the forthcoming implementation of the Bulgarian-Ukrainian business forum in the framework of the visit of Minister of Economy of Ukraine in Sofia at the end of this year.

The meeting will be closed to journalists. Its results will be published information.

NP Mykola Bantazhi was born in the village of Petrovsky, Odeksa area in 1956graduated from Kiev State University with a degree in "International Relations". He is a translator from German and Bulgarian. Candidate of historical sciences. Speaks Bulgarian, German, English and Russian. He is married and has one daughter.

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