"Business Management Systems"
11th Edition
The Minister of Economy, Energy and Tourism
Mr. Traicho Traikov
Organizers: ICT Media, ISACA-Sofia Chapter
Partners: Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Bulgarian Industrial Association
After celebrating its 10th anniversary, the event dedicated to the introduction and use of business management systems in all economy sectors heads toward its next edition with the confidence of being the sole national-wide event with such broad span of topics and speakers.
The conference will once again promote the experience sharing, the need to automate business processes to effectively structure organisations, raise competitiveness and reduce the costs.
This year's event will take to a new format, which includes three completely independent events within which decisions will be presented, respectively, for oriented light industry, transport, heavy industry, as well as freight forwarding and logistics.
We will comment and discuss the trends in implementing, updating and developing business management systems, the European programs for financing of implementations and technical innovations, the past and the future of BMS, the good and encouragingly challenging examples from the practice. We will ask, we will look for solutions, we will discuss.
The main topics for the event, selected by ICT Media, have consulted with leading representatives of the target sectors with organisations representing them, as well as key advisers and independent experts in the field of implementation of ICT solutions.
Each participant in the event can claim the receiving of CPE certificate, issued by ISACA - Sofia Chapter.