Bulgarian Industrial Association is pleased to invite you to the seminar "EuropeanMicrofinance mechanisms of micro enterprises and SMEs", which will be held onNovember 16, 2011, Wednesday, 14:00 to 16:30 in the building of BIA, "Alabin" 16-20, Sofia.

Registrations will be accepted until November 14, 2011, Monday, or until exhaustionof seats.

Will be discussed the main mechanisms through which the EU provides funding of micro enterprises and SMEs for amounts up to € 25,000. Emphasis in the programwill be a mechanism for micro-European "progress".

Speakers at the seminar will be representatives of IFIs Jobs and micro - only for Bulgaria, selected at European level institutions offering microcredit programPROGRESS.
Participants will become familiar with the specific activities and working conditionsof financial institutions.
In order to effect optimal number of participants is limited.
Registrations will be accepted until November 14, 2011, Monday, or until exhaustionof seats.
Fee for a representative from the company is 60 BGN with VAT included. For the second participant from the same company, the fee is 36 EUR including VAT.
For members of the BIA, the fee is 36 EUR including VAT.
The fee is paid within 14 November 2011, after our confirmation of registration.
Payment on site is not provided due to failure to prepare materials. Invoices are produced on-site registration.


More information here

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