"The tendency for the country’s high economic growth continued in 2007 as well. The Gross Domestic Product increased with 32 percents form 32.4 billion BGN in 2002 to 56.5 billion BGN in 2007.
The production is also increasing at an accelerated rate. The revenues from the sale of companies from the non-financial sector of the economy exceeded 181 billion BGN in 2007, which compared to 2006 is a 10 percent increase.
However, the economic growth in 2007 has an ill structure which does not guarantee stability, and is also accompanied with a record-breaking increase of company indebtedness.
Up to December 31, 2007 the debts exceeded 116 billion BGN. There is an increase of 35.4 billion BGN or 43.7 percent in comparison to the end of 2006 and in comparison to 2002, the growth is 78.5 billion BGN or 3.1 times more than in 2002.........."