Acceleration of the circular economy entails stronger commitment and a collaborative approach involving governments, businesses and the science community, as well as consumers and increased value chain cooperation. Industry has an important role to play in both identifying and delivering solutions.

Complexity and different interests throughout the circle needs to be properly addressed, avoiding one-size-fits-all approaches and quick fix solutions. A longterm strategy and enabling framework, balancing the costs and benefits to different parties, incentivizing economies of scale and taking into account the global dimension are needed.

Making best use of existing legislations, through proper evaluation of their impact on the circular model, full implementation and enforcement and mapping of material flows are the primary objectives for increasing resource efficiency and pursuing circularity.

To unlock the potential of new projects, infrastructures and business opportunities, investment certainty beyond 2020 needs to be guaranteed. Removing obstacles, funding opportunities, demand-side push and incentives to research and innovation are key steps to accompany further the engagement of industry and the business community.

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