Bulgaria is ranked 49th out of 141 countries in the Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Report 2015 of the World Economic Forum.

Our country is placed after other Balkan countries like Greece (31), Croatia (33), Cyprus (36) and Turkey (44).

In terms of “Enabling Environment” Bulgaria is ranked 46th with “Business Environment”- 85, “Safety and Security” – 78, “Health and Hygiene” – 5, “Human Resources and Labour Market” – 48.

Bulgaria gets 52nd position in “Infrastructure”, with “Air Transport Infrastructure” – 79, “Ground and Port Infrastructure” – 79, “Tourist Service Infrastructure”- 13.

The Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Report 2015 is topped by Spain, followed by France, Germany, the United States, the United Kingdom, Switzerland, Australia, Italy, Japan and Canada.

The Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Report 2015 features the latest iteration of the Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Index (TTCI). The TTCI measures “the set of factors and policies that enable the sustainable development of the Travel & Tourism (T&T) sector, which in turn, contributes to the development and competitiveness of a country.” Published biennially, the TTCI benchmarks the T&T competitiveness of 141 economies. It comprises four subindexes, 14 pillars, and 90 individual indicators.

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