Producer Price Indices on Domestic Market

Producer Price Index on Domestic Market in February 2015 increased by 0.7% compared to the previous month. The domestic prices rose in the manufacturing by 1.1%, in the mining and quarrying industry by 0.7%, and in the electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply the prices by 0.1%, a report of Bulgaria’s National Statistical Institute (NSI) shows.

In the manufacturing, compared to the previous month the prices went up in the manufacture of chemicals and chemical products by 1.9% and in the manufacture of textiles by 0.5%, while a price decrease was reported in the in the repair and installation of machinery and equipment by 1.3% and in the printing and reproduction of recorded media by 0.4%.

Producer Price Index on Domestic Market in February 2015 decreased by 1.2% compared to the same month of 2014. The domestic prices fell in the manufacturing by 4.2% and in the mining and quarrying industry by 3.1%, while prices increases were registered in the electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply by 4.2%.

In the manufacturing compared to February 2014, a price decrease was reported in the manufacture of basic metals by 1.6%, in the printing and reproduction of recorded media by 1.5%, in the manufacture of food products by 1.4%. The prices increases were seen in the manufacture of beverages and in the manufacture of chemicals and chemical products by 2.1%, in the manufacturing of computer, electronic and optical products by 2.0%.

Total Producer Price Indices in Industry

Total Producer Price Index in Industry in February 2015 increased by 1.4% compared to the previous month. Higher prices were registered in the manufacturing by 1.9%, in the mining and quarrying industry by 1.6%, and in the electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply by 0.1%.

In the manufacturing, more significant prices increases were seen in the manufacture of textiles by 4.1%, in the manufacture of chemicals and chemical products by 2.3%, and in the manufacture of basic metals by 1.3%, while prices decreases were reported in the repair and installation of machinery and equipment by 1.1%, in the manufacture of leather and related products by 0.8%, and in the manufacture of rubber and plastic products by 0.5%.

Total Producer Price Index in Industry in February 2015 decreased by 1.4 % compared to the same month of 2014.

In the manufacturing, the prices fell by 3.3% compared to February 2014. More significant prices decreases were seen in the manufacture of food products by 1.4% and in the printing and reproduction of recorded media by 1.0%, while the producer prices went up in the manufacture of other transport equipment by 9.2%, in the manufacture of textiles by 5.2% and in the manufacture of wearing apparel by 5.0%.

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