In February 2015 Bulgaria’s total business climate indicator increases by 1.2 percentage points compared to the previous month, which is due to the improved managers’ opinions in industry, construction and retail trade, shows the data of Bulgaria’s National Statistical Institute.

Industry. The composite indicator ‘business climate in industry’ increases by 2.4 percentage points in comparison with January due to the more favourable industry entrepreneurs’ assessments and expectations about the business situation of the enterprises. However, the present production activity is assessed as slight decreased, while in the expectations about the activity in the branch over the next 3 months some improvement has been observed.

Construction. In February the composite indicator ‘business climate in construction’ increases by 1.8 percentage points , which is due to the improved construction entrepreneurs’ expectations about the business situation of the enterprises over the next 6 months. Their forecasts with regard to the construction activity over the next 3 months are also more optimistic, as the inquiry also reports a decrease in the number of the clients with delay in payments.

Retail trade. The composite indicator ‘business climate in retail trade’ increases by 2.3 percentage points compared to January due to the optimistic retailers’ expectations about the business situation of the enterprises over the next 6 months. At the same time their prognoses for the volume of sales and orders placed with suppliers) over the next 3 months are improved.

Service sector. In February the composite indicator ‘business climate in service sector’ decreases by 3.0 percentage points, which is due to the more unfavourable managers’ assessments and expectations about the business situation of the enterprises. Their opinions concerning the present demand for services are more reserved, while their expectations over the next 3 months are improved.

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