Bulgarian Industrial Association - Union of the Bulgarian Business (BIA) insisted to the end of the mandate of the current government the State Energy and Water Regulatory Commission (regulator) to cancel the decisions of July 1, 2014 to change the energy prices. 
Our arguments for this request are as follows: 
  1. Decisions are based on prescriptive false assumptions about future change contracts with power producers (green and lignite), which would have saved 1 billion lev for one year. Changes in the contracts and they will have to be respected. Moreover, the regulator was repeatedly warned by the European Commission not to interfere in trade relations between companies. 
  2. Protecting households should not be done by discriminatory business cross-subsidization. The non-low voltage will continue to buy 32% more energy than for households. Once again, the regulated price for non-household consumers was increased by the shock 10-25% (depending on tariff prices CEZ) in the name of misguided protection of domestic consumers.
  3. Energy-intensive business is facing uncertainty, both in terms of energy prices, and in terms of the quantities that will be offered at the so-called. free market. While European countries alleviate their industry through clarity, predictability and discounts Bulgarian industry regulator loaded with all the burdens and inefficiencies on unreformed our energy system. As a result, Bulgarian companies buy electricity at higher prices compared to export prices of buying competing foreign companies. 
Strategic improvements, hopes to be awarded a future government will be able to realize, going purely by the status quo, no rash decisions of the regulator.

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