The government is ready to update the NHIF budget to ensure the proper functioning of the system, said President Rosen Plevneliev after consultations with the president to discuss the financial situation of the state. Plevneliev said he expects legislative initiative to update the part of the Cabinet "Oresharsky" in the next few days. 
We have consensus and it immediately launched an entry of Bulgaria into a bank surveillance mechanism of the EU. This is the first step on the accession of Bulgaria to the European Union's bank, the president said. 
Consultation with the president spanned nearly four hours. The meeting was attended by the President of the 42 th National Assembly Mihail Mihov, Prime Minister Oresharski, Deputy Prime Minister Zinaida Zlatanova, Finance Minister Peter Chobanov GERB leader Boyko Borisov, President of DPS Lutfi Mestan President of PG BSP Atanas Merdzhanov, MPs.


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