Bad debts to the budget continue to grow billion of such recognize that 80 % of them are bad. In 2012, attempts for tax evasion and insurance were smaller than the previous, but continue to be 18%, or about 1/5 of the total revenue of the NRA. This is clear from the report of the NRA for 2012.
According to him, over 2 billion lev – 18.9 billion lev to the end of 2012 have grown a year to the budget arrears accumulated since 1991. If the tax payer does not expressly by the end of the year his old debts has expired will be deleted from next year NRA will automatically deduct from every payment to the budget. This is because the NRA following the rule of the first to collect the debts oldest.
Above 15 billion lev are qualified by the tax as doubtful, and 11.2 billion lev of them can be defined as tax fraud, as established by audit reports in the VAT Act. The NRA recognized that not only bad but also new debts accrued liabilities acts could hardly be collected, because these duties are mostly persons who have no assets against which direct enforcement. In 2012, for example, are paid less than 1% of the old and 9.65 % of the new obligations, established under revision.
In 2012 the new accumulated arrears of 3.4 billion lev, 2.4 bilion lev of them are out of audit reports. These are attempts to tax evasion and insurance comment from the NRA, although it is not clear how much is intentional and what is the result of ignorance. At 13.2 billion lev collected from the tax on different items, it appears that attempts for tax evasion and insurance are18% of total revenue. In 2011 further exposed by the revision revenues were 3.1 billion lev the date show. At the same time tax reporting significant growth of arrears collected 4 billion lev 2.8 billion lev in 2011, but from the report it appears that this is mainly due to the voluntary payment within the calendar year.
Due to the risk assessment that is made of taxpayers, and preventive measures of the NRA reported a serious decline in VAT fraud from 986 million lev peak in 2008 to 443 million lev in the past. In 2011, the deficit of VAT fraud were 486 million lev. An almost identical amount, however, the reports which have been working to identify tax evasion are more than two times less.
Last year they were 185, and a year ago – 397. Significantly reduce the number of person involved in the fraud cases up to 894 by 2700. This can mean that less of players roll a higher amount. Continues to be the main draw of “missing trader” - 142 pieces. When it all debts are transferred to needy defaulter. Last year at ¾ of the reports the scheme was. The NRA account yet crossed attempt to evade taxes and insurance to nearly 202 million lev.