The European Commission has proposed a new Environment Action Programme for the EU. Entitled "Living well, within the limits of our planet", it will guide environment policy up to 2020. The proposal aims to enhance Europe's ecological resilience and transform the EU into an inclusive and sustainable green economy by stopping of the subsidies for environmentally harmful activities and doing more investments in smart technologies.

South-East Europe is a part of the green transformation of the global economy. Despite progress in some areas, the Region faces environmental challenges and the market in the relevant sectors is in need of experience and modern technologies.


Waste Management & Recycling, Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy and Smart Buildings are the hot topics of the annual Eco Forum and Exhibition for South-East Europe. The event is organized by Via Expo in the period 29-31 May 2013 in IEC, Sofia, Bulgaria  with the support of the Bulgarian Industrial Association. 


The Event at a Glance:

- Austria is a supporting partner

- Italian and Austrian Pavilions, Hungarian National Participation 

- Smart Buildings and Elevators & Escalators are the new accents

- Main Exhibition / Forum scope: waste management, recycling, prevention, waste-to-energy, smart buildings, building integrated photovoltaics (BIPV), energy storage, energy efficiency and bioenergy

- Comprehensive program with keynote speakers from the Bulgarian Industrial Association, European Commission - DG Environment and DG Energy, Association of Cities and Regions for Recycling and Sustainable Resource Management, etc.

- A side events will be two workshops 'Practical approaches to controlling methane emissions and generating energy from landfill gas' and ‘Italian Experience in Waste Management’


Brochure Waste Management

Brochure Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy and Smart Buildings


Via Expo –

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