"Some 70% of the funds under Operational Programme Environment are investments in the water sector. A total of 124 contracts for wastewater have been signed and 135% of the funds under this axis have been agreed but only 15% of the payments have been effected," said Deputy Minister of Environment and Water Ivelina Vassileva during the opening of the conference called The Water Sector – the German Experience and Opportunities on Tuesday. She stressed that most of the contracts were signed in 2011 and 2012 and the Ministry expects the following two years to be very intense.

Currently, 35 municipalities have invited contracts for the construction of wastewater treatment plants.
"ISPA is one of the most successful EU pre-accession programmes in Bulgaria," said Vassileva. The water sector will be important for the next programming period (2014 - 2020). The largest share of funds under OP Environment will be earmarked for the construction of water and sewage networks, water treatment plants and water mains to settlements, intended to reduce leaks, etc. Population places with between 2,000 and 10,000 inhabitants will be paid special attention to.

In 2009, the absorption of funds under ISPA was 35% and, in 2012, it has reached 93%. A great part of the contractors are foreign consortia with companies from Italy, Austria and Greece. However, this has allowed Bulgarian companies to develop their capacity by acting as subcontractors or being part of the consortia.

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