The World Bank ranked Bulgaria 66th out of 185 countries in the 2013 edition of the Doing Business report.

In the 2013 edition of the Doing Business report, the World Bank ranked economies from 1 to 185 by the ease of doing business index.

Bulgaria dropped two places compared to the 2012 DB report, but the 2013 ranking contains two more countries than the 2012 edition.

Over the past year, it became more difficult to start a business in Bulgaria and it is no easier than in 2011 to get a construction permit, to get connected to the electricity grid, and to pay taxes.

The different segments of the report make it clear that Bulgaria registered the biggest decline in "starting a business", dropping from 48th place to 57th place in the DB Rank 2013.

The second biggest decline was in the segment of "paying taxes", where Bulgaria fell from 83rd spot to 91st spot.

In the segment of "dealing with construction permits", Bulgaria fell from 119th place to 123th place, and in the segment of "getting electricity" the country ranked 128th, compared to 125th in the previous report.

Out of a total of 10 criteria, Bulgaria fell down the ranking in six, registered a minimal uptick in three ("trading across borders", "enforcing contracts", and "resolving insolvency") and remained unchanged in one ("registering property").

The Doing Business 2013 report of the World Bank is the tenth of this kind and spans the period May 2011 – May 2012.

Poland scored the biggest progress during the period after implementing business-friendly institutional and regulatory reforms.

For a seventh year in a row, Singapore topped the ranking, followed by Hong Kong SAR, China, New Zealand, the US, and Denmark.

The newcomer in the top 10 of the DB 2013 Rank was Georgia.


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