Bulgaria’s 2011 budget deficit stands at 2% (BGN 1.535 bn) of the gross domestic product (GDP), showed final data of the National Statistical Institute (NSI). The deficit in sub-sectors is as follows: BGN 1.702 bn, or 2.3% of GDP in the Central Government and BGN 19 mln in Local Government, while Social Security Funds had a surplus of BGN 186 mln, or 0.2% of GDP.

NSI pointed out that the BGN 40.4 mln difference between the preliminary and final figures about the deficit is due to conclusive data received about tax revenues, the annual reports on the operation of public hospitals and the public companies in the Government sector and the final data from the turnover ledgers of budget-financed organisations and municipalities.

According to NSI’s conclusive data, Bulgaria's foreign debt stood at BGN 12.29 bn, or 16.3% of GDP at the end of 2011.

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