Following our previous communication on this initative, we are very pleased to present you the final version in digital format of our publication on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the European internal market. You can find it at annex.

As you know, our brochure “SINGLE MARKET: THE WAY FORWARD” contains practical examples from companies and quotes from their CEOs, showing the achievements of 20 years of single market, pointing to remaining challenges for companies and providing recommendations for the future.

The brochure will be officially launched at a press breakfast hosted by BUSINESSEUROPE’s Director General Philippe de Buck, with the presence of Malcolm Harbour MEP (ECR), Chairman of the European Parliament’s Internal Market Committee and a limited number of correspondents from key newspapers.

This brochure will also be presented to you at our Internal Market Committee meeting on 3 October.

On 15 October, our IMCO Vice-Chair Vladimira Drbalova will also present BUSINESSEUROPE’s brochure at the Commission’s launch event of the Single Market week, where copies will be available for all participants, following an invitation from the Commission. We will also promote our brochure through direct participation in other Single Market Week’s events.

We would like to thank all the Members for their constructive approach and their input with regard to the companies’ examples and the overall content.

We take this opportuntiy to invite again all Members to make widespread use of this brochure in their events and contacts, also at national level. The printed copies will be available in the coming days, please do not hesitate to conctact us in case you may need some for these purposes or you would like us to present the brochure in one of your events.

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