Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are widely spread in the USA and their use there is something natural, while in Europe the mention alone of GMOs gets people in a state of panic, Georgi Uzunov, owner of Gorna Oryahovitsa-based Zaharni Zavodi, told the Pari daily in an interview.
The official opinion is that GMOs are risky for human health, but that has not been scientifically proven. Corporations in Europe lag behind in research and technological use of GMOs. The issue led to protests and controversies throughout this country in the last few days. Bulgarian citizens protest because information is insufficient. The use of GMOs brings higher yield and is economically advantageous. That is why there will be more companies eager to use GMOs in the next years.
The products of Zaharni Zavodi contain no GMOs. The company has documents from certified laboratories to prove that. All materials it uses are free from GMOs. The main risky material is the soya-bean lecithin as a great part of it is produced from genetically modified soya beans and is cheaper. Soya beans and maize are the main genetically modified foods. The lecithin-containing products are those with various kind of chocolate like waffles, chocolate, chocolate candies, croissants with chocolate filling, chocolate biscuits etc.
Unfortunately, consumers in Bulgaria have no guarantee that the sugar products are free from GMOs as often their presence is not indicated on the label. There are no sanctions for those offering genetically modified foods. Information is also not enough and that makes people cautious and prejudiced.