The number of employees increased the most in the processing industry, 23.1%

The total number of employees at the end of December reached 2.25 million, down 182,000 (7.5%) year on year, data of the National Statistical Institute show. The highest slump in employment was in industry (71,000 workers), followed by construction (35,000 workers).


The number of employees increased the most in the processing industry, 23.1%. Nevertheless, the figures show a 3.9-percent decline in December compared with September 2009. The average monthly salary in the fourth quarter of last year was BGN 606, up 10.6% on the corresponding period in 2008. Salaries increased the most in the real estate sector (24.3%) and construction (20.6%).


The total average household income per capita stood at BGN 331.63 in December 2009, down 11.9% compared with a year ago. Total expenses in December amounted to BGN 311.46, down 3.4% on an annual basis. Food and maintenance accounted for some 52% of household costs.

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