SMEs face many challenges when they want to internationalise, i.e. develop their sales and investments abroad, be it within or beyond the European Union. This problem and desirable solutions were discussed at a seminar organised by BUSINESSEUROPE on 26 May 2011, opened by Philippe de Buck and introduced in a keynote speech by Daniel Calleja Crespo, Commission Special SME Envoy (photo). Speakers for business included: Frank Schauff, Association of European Businesses in the Russian Federation, Luisa Santos, EURATEX, and Roberta Cantarini, Poliexport Consortium. Patrick De Smedt, Christophe Guichard and John Farnell (DG Enterprise and Industry) and Signe Ratso (DG Trade) commented on the perspectives for Commission initiatives. The debates provided useful material for preparing BUSINESSEUROPE’s response to the Commission consultation on internationalisation of SMEs.

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