"We have saved over BGN 450 mln of resources under Operational Programme Transport over the last 18 months," said Rossen Plevneliev, Minister of Regional Development and Public Works, at the opening of the offers for Lot 1 of the Struma motorway. He explained that the money had been saved because the criterion for selection of contractors had been the lowest price offer. This rule has proved to be a well-working tool because first the technical offers of the candidates are assessed.

Applying the same principle, over BGN 190 mln have been saved from the tenders for the rehabilitation of second- and third-class roads under Operational programme Regional Development. The money will be invested in the repairs of 22 more sections in addition to the 30 initially projected. "The projects for Lots 1 and 4 of the Struma motorway will be the last to be implemented under the tender procedures from two years ago," specified Plevneliev.

The next two sections of the route will be implemented on the basis of new rules which will be drafted by Bulgarian experts and representatives of assistance units with the JASPERS programme. "The lowest price offer will no longer be a criterion in the new tenders," explained Plevneliev. The economically most advantageous price offer is expected to be the most important criterion for selection in the future tenders.

"Some BGN 30-50 mln will be additionally spent on the construction of Lot 4 of the Trakia motorway," Martin Dimitrov, Co-Chairman of the Blue Coalition, said in Parliament. According to him, the deadline for its completion will not be met. The reason for the delay are the recently discovered marshlands along the route. Rossen Plevneliev responded that the problems were again being politicised. "We will never have progress if politicians continue to interfere in matters such as road construction," commented Plevneliev.

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