About 30% of the measures projected in the plan for reduction of the administrative burden on businesses have remained only on paper for the time being, states a report, approved by the Government today. Under the plan, the administrative burden should be reduced by 20% until the end of next year. The plan was adopted at the end of April 2010 and the report covers the period by September 30, 2011. The action plan contains 135 measures.

As of the end of September 2011, a total of 127 general measures had to be completely or partially (in their legislative part) implemented. However, only 89 of these (70%) were implemented and 37 measures (29%) are in the process of implementation, says the report. Some 22 out of the 37 measures whose implementation has been delayed in their legislative part are in the portfolio of the Ministry of Agriculture, and the deadline for implementation of 8 of these has been extended. 

A delay has been reported as well in the implementation of 5 measures in the portfolio of the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Economy, Energy and Tourism. The Ministry of Environment and Water and the Finance Ministry are lagging behind with the implementation of 2 measures, the Customs Agency and the Financial Supervision Commission - of one measure. The implementation of one measure from the portfolio of the Finance Ministry has been postponed since this will be possible only when a single electronic portal of the entire State administration is established. The main reduction of red tape is projected via the implementation of all measures with a deadline by the end of 2011 - about 17% of the expected 20% reduction. In addition to legislative initiatives ensuring the legal framework of electronic submission and exchange of information, a technical possibility for their practical implementation is projected for then.

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