Name Path for Intercultural Awareness, Measurement and Awareness (P.Ir.A.M.iD.)


Duration of the project: 24 months

Number of the contract for financing: 2023-1-ES01-KA220-VET-000157060

Budget line: KA220-VET - Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and training

Donor institution/ programme: European Programme Erasmus+ 2021-2027

Total Budget   250,000 EUR

Goals: Gain awareness, be able to measure and develop intercultural skills within the 3 target groups: teachers, students and companies in the tourism and hospitality sector

Target groups : Teachers, students and companies in the tourism and hospitality sector

Main activities:         

  • P.Ir.A.M.iD Survey and Test
  • P.Ir.A.M.iD Training for Students by Students
  • P.Ir.A.M.iD. Training for Vet teachers and training tutors
  • P.Ir.A.M.iD.Storytelling

Main results

  1. Online course conceived and structured on the basis of the adaptation of the Lewis model to the tourism sector
  2. Online training course for teachers, based on the basic principles of the Lewis model;
  3. Online training course for the companies focused on the Lewis model and concentrated on the tourism sector, with the aim of providing concrete solutions for living in an international work team in an effective and productive way

Role in the project: partner


  2. Elidea psicologi associati, Италия
  3. garagErasmus, Белгия
  4. ETN School s.r.l., Италия
  5. BIA, Bulgaria

Geographical area of intervention: International

Christina Kasparyan
1527 Sofia, 76 Chataldzha Str.
+3592 932 09 34