Duration of the project: 2024-2025

Total Budget: 1 449 979 BGN

Donor institution/programme: National Employment Action Plan 2024


  • The aim of the project is to implement supporting activities to ensure optimal labor supply for the economy at the national and regional level, in terms of quantity and quality.

Target groups:

  • Unemployed youth up to 29 years old;

  • Long-term unemployed persons;

  • Unemployed persons without professional qualification;

  • Unemployed persons over 50 years of age;

  • Inactive persons willing to work, including discouraged persons.


  • Vocational training center "TRAINING" at "VISION ORGANIZING BG" EOOD,

  • Vocational training center "Green Ideas" at "Lernen" EOOD,


  • CPO at "Peter Yovchev and Sons" Ltd.,

  • Vocational Training Center at SNC "Regional Business Center for Support of SMEs" Pernik,

  • CPO at "Intelekti" OOD, CPO at "IKoMS" Ltd.,

  • CPO "Apoli" at "Apoli" 09" EOOD,

  • CPO at "Demix Engineering" OOD,

  • CPO at Non-profit Association "Industrial Chamber of Commerce /association/ - Vratsa"

Main activities:

  • Organization and preparation for the implementation of the project - formation of teaching teams, preparation of training schedules.
  • Selection of participants - organizing and conducting a procedure for the selection of registered unemployed persons jointly by the "Labor Bureau" directorates and the Vocational Training Center at BIA-UBB.
  • Conducting trainings on key competencies and trainings for the acquisition of professional qualifications for unemployed persons.
  • Conducting exams to complete the training.
  • Provision of subsidized and non-subsidized full-time employment for a period of 3 months for 35% of persons included in professional training in the professions they were trained in.
  • Reporting on the implementation of the project indicators - summarizing and processing the results of survey cards for project assessment, creating a summary file for the participants and those who have successfully completed the training, preparing a financial and technical report, distributing the project results through the websites of the Bulgarian Industrial Association - union of Bulgarian business and employers on the project.

Main results: 

540 unemployed included in key competence training; • 906 unemployed, included in training to acquire qualifications in professions; • 336 persons included in professional training, employed full-time for a period of 3 months in subsidized or non-subsidized jobs in the professions in which they were trained.

Geographical area of intervention: National

Marlen Mollova
1527 Sofia, 76 Chataldzha Str.
+3592 932 09 69
Antoaneta Katzarova
1527 Sofia, 76 Chataldzha Str.
+3592 932 09 69, 0899 639 182