Name: Together for sustainable employment

Number of the contract for financing: BG05SFPR002-1.005-0002-C01


Duration of the project: 15.01.2024 - 31.12.2027

Budget line: BG05SFPR002-1.005 Social partnership

Donor institution/ programme: Programme “Human Resources Development” 2021-2027

Total Budget: 7 666 139.96 BGN

Role in the project: beneficiary

Partners: Ministry of labor and social policy, Confederation of Independent Trade Unions of Bulgaria

Geographical area of intervention: National

Goals: Creating a favorable environment and tools for adapting human resource management policies and industrial relations to the changes in the labor market resulting from digitalization, the transition to climate neutrality and the worsening demographic situation in Bulgaria.

Target groups: Employers and employees.

Main activities:

  1. Creation and implementation of a unified methodology to audit and analyze the age diversity of the workforce in five economic sectors (industries).
  2. Development and implementation of innovative corporate models and manuals for managing age diversity, change and transition, tailored to the specific age characteristics of the workforce.
  3. Creation and implementation of tools for diagnosis and assessment of factors, processes and skills in the management of age diversity and generational differences in enterprises.
  4. Development and implementation of sectoral and company tools, models and programs for managing stress in the workplace and preventing professional exhaustion (burnout).
  5. Development and implementation of sectoral programmes and tools for the adaptation of enterprises and employees to the changes associated with the digital transition in the development of human resources and the labour market.
  6. Implementation of models and practices for forecasting the needs of new skills and for creating a favorable environment for lifelong learning and implementation of lifelong learning strategies at corporate, sectoral, branch and regional level. Implementation of sectoral and company systems for managing corporate knowledge and for introducing new forms and methods of training in enterprises, in various sectors of the economy and regions of the country.
  7. Development of training programs for management staff at different levels to acquire knowledge and skills for the organization and optimization of business processes in the sector in the context of the circular economy and green transition, the introduction of low-carbon, resource-efficient and zero-waste processes and technologies.
  8. Increasing the capacity and expertise of the social partners to involve them in all stages of the European Semester cycle and the development of new industrial relations in the context of Industry 4.0.

Main results:

  1. Developed and implemented a model to audit and analyze the age diversity of the workforce.
  2. 5 sector reports on the results of an audit and analysis of the age diversity of the workforce.
  3. 5 sectoral programmes of the social partners to manage age diversity and generational differences in the workforce.
  4. Report on the results of a survey of international good practices and corporate experiences in the field of change management, talent, organizational culture and employer branding in the context of the age diversity of the workforce.
  5. Developed 4 innovative corporate models for:
  • Managing change and adapting generations of employees to changing workplace conditions and requirements.
  • Building an inclusive and generationally-responsive organisational culture.
  • Attracting, developing and retaining multi-generational talent.
  • Building and managing an employer brand that is attractive to an age-diverse workforce.
  1. Developed 2 manuals for managers, workers, employees and their representatives:
  • Handbook for leaders of multigenerational teams.
  • Handbook for effective work and collaboration in a multi-generational team.
  1. 180 employees from 50 enterprises in 10 economic sectors passed a remote certification program for the development of practical skills in implementing innovative models and manuals in the activities of enterprises.
  2. Developed and implemented in 50 enterprises from at least 10 economic sectors of 5 electronic tools for:
  • identify and assess specific age and generational differences in workplace behaviour;
  • measuring and evaluating team effectiveness in the context of age diversity management;
  • diagnosis and assessment of the organizational culture, in the context of the management of age diversity in the enterprise;
  • measuring and evaluating the commitment and integrity of the generations of workers and employees towards the company's goals;
  • measuring and assessing leadership potential and competence in managing multi-generational teams.
  1. Research on age-specific needs and problems, consulting and support for 500 employees over 55 years of age through 50 specialised receptions in 50 enterprises in 10 economic sectors.
  2. Developed and validated by the managements of 50 enterprises and the representatives of workers and employees company partner measures for an active lifestyle to support employed persons over 55 years of age.
  3. Report on the results of the research of good international practices and corporate experience in the management of stress and professional exhaustion (burnout).
  4. 6 analytical reports (by professions) on the results of the study of professional burnout of six professions/jobs prone to the risk of developing burnout.
  5. 10 sectoral (industry) report on the results of conducting a peer review of enterprise policies in the management of workplace stress.
  6. 10 sectoral (industry) partnership programs to minimize psycho-social risks in the workplace, to form a working environment and culture of mental health protection and build resistance to stress, tension and uncertainty.
  7. E-manual to the prevention of burnout syndrome.
  8. Corporate model for workplace stress management.
  9. Remote certification program for training and certification in skills for research, diagnosis and organizational consulting in workplace stress management and burnout prevention.
  10. 100 employees from the enterprises in the economic sectors included in the project, who passed the certification program.
  11. Developed 5 sector analyses and assessment of the maturity of SMEs to implement, manage and adapt information and network security measures in the workplace.
  12. Developed a guide for adapting SMEs (management teams and workers and employees) to the changes in the labor market, as a result of the increased requirements in the field of information and network security.
  13. Developed and implemented 5 sectoral programmes to adapt enterprises to the new requirements in the field of information and network security in order to protect workplaces.
  14. 25 workplace consultations to raise awareness about information and network security.
  15. A corporate (company) model for assessing the strategic fit of human capital, for predicting the needs for new skills and determining the training and development needs of human resources.
  16. Partner sector (industry) model for forecasting, developing and using analytical data on new skills needs of the workforce.
  17. Partner regional model to forecast, develop and use analytical data on new workforce skills needs.
  18. Partner programs to develop, transfer, and use analytical data on new workforce skill needs in 5 economic sectors (industries).
  19. Partner programs to develop, transfer, and use analytical data on new workforce skill needs in 5 regions.
  20. 2 e-tools (online) for research and forecasting of new workforce skills needs by economic sector and region.
  21. An electronic system (specialized online platform) to manage the processes of researching, collecting, structuring, storing, transferring and using analytical data on new skills needs of the workforce, covering databases for 5 economic sectors (industries) and 5 regions.
  22. Report on the results of a study of international good practices at sector, regional and company level for the creation, development and use of analytical data on new skills needs.
  23. Guide to creating a corporate knowledge management system and an environment promoting lifelong learning.
  24. Conducted 10 pilot studies (5 sectoral and 5 regional) on the new skills needs of the workforce, through a test application of the developed online e-tools and e-system (specialized online platform). The results of the studies will be summarised and published in 10 sectoral and regional analytical reports.
  25. Creation of a specialized online platform to manage the processes of researching, collecting, structuring, storing, transferring and using analytical data on the new skills needs of the workforce.
  26. Trained 30 sector and regional base administrators.
  27. 5 sectoral and 5 regional reports on the results of new skills needs surveys of the workforce.
  28. Report including the results of the good practices survey and international corporate experience on needs assessment on circular economy and green transition, introduction of low carbon, resource efficient and zero waste processes and technologies.
  29. Developed 6 training programmes for management staff at different levels.
  30. Conducted 6 workshops to test the training programmes and received feedback from the participants.
  31. 100 participants who went through practical training seminars for management personnel.
  32. 40 programmes for increasing the administrative capacity of 10 regional and 30 branch organizations in the BIA network.
  33. Conducted 1 soft skills academy and 17 types of training.
  34. Prepared at least 8 opinions on new EU legislation, national reforms and policies.
  35. At least 180 employees participated in trainings and workshops.
  36. Developed up to 10 communication plans.
  37. Created 10 new or revised existing Facebook pages
  38. Distributed no less than 240 press releases.
  39. Assisted with up to 240 media appearances (interviews).
  40. Developed and distributed monthly newsletter "Social Dialogue" - 48 issues.
  41. Held 10 press conferences (regional and sectoral).
  42. Printed and distributed information leaflets/flyers - 20 pcs. on various topics.
  43. Implementation and adaptation of an online platform for data and information exchange.
  44. 80 surveys in 30 economic sectors and 10 regions.
  45. Formed up to 20 thematic policy discussion forums on industrial and social policy, green and digital transition and sustainable development.


Svetlana Doncheva
1527 Sofia, 76 Chataldzha Str.
+3592 932 09 26