Duration of the project: 1.06.2023 - 31.05.2025

Budget: 425 739 EUR

Donor institution: European Commission-EU (SOCPL Project Grants)


  • To research and get a better understanding of the current situation regarding employment of third-country nationals and related challenges to contribute to the mitigation of imbalances between supply and demand in the EU labour market and thus building open and resilient societies.
  • To contribute to the adaptation of social dialogue in responding to changes in employment and work-related challenges and in addressing the employment, social and economic challenges as identified in the European Pillar of Social Rights, and thus contribute to strengthening the involvement of national social partners in the European Semester.
  • Strengthen the capacity of social partners in participating countries to contribute to national and European Social Dialogue, namely through an exchange of EU-relevant information, practices and knowledge, and dissemination of results.

Target groups

Labour market stakeholders: representatives of employer associations, trade unions, policymakers, representatives of companies and workers.


5 employers’ organizations, 5 trade union representatives, a research institution and a European-level associated partner.

  • Association of employers of Slovenia (ZDS) – Lead partner
  • The Council of Gorenje Trade Unions (SGS), Slovenia
  • Bulgarian Industrial Association (BIA)
  • Confederation of Independent Trade Unions in Bulgaria (CITUB)
  • Confederation of Hungarian employers and industrialists (MGYOSZ – BusinessHungary)
  • Hungarian Metalworkers’ Federation – VASAS, Hungary
  • The National Union of Employers - NUE (RUZ), Slovakia
  • Independent Christian Unions of Slovakia (NKOS), Slovakia
  • The Croatian Employers' Association (HUP), Croatia
  • Oil Industry Union (SING), Croatia
  • University of Ljubljana (UL), Slovenia
  • Associated partner - BUSINESSEUROPE

Geographical area of intervention


Martin Stoyanov
1527 Sofia, 76 Chataldzha Str.
+3592 932 09 33