Duration of the project: 1.04.2019-31.07.2022

Budget: 2 996 289 Euro

Donor institution/programme: Horizon 2020


  • To support modest and moderate innovator countries in the development of regional bioeconomy strategies and roadmaps.
  • To increase awareness and understanding of the bioeconomy, its potentials and impacts among regional actors by considering stakeholders’ and citizens’ needs and concerns.
  • To mobilize engagement among regional stakeholders and citizens in view of the development of inclusive and balanced bioeconomy strategies and roadmaps, with a focus on the exchange of knowledge and good practices across European regions.
  • To explore small-scale business models and their market potentials which are suitable for realising bio-based innovations across different bioeconomy sectors.
  • To build capacity among regional stakeholders with regard to the assessment of innovative bio-based business models and their potential impacts, the fostering of R&I capacities, the design of a supportive policy framework, and effective utilization of available funding streams.
  • To identify and disseminate good practices and facilitate knowledge sharing across European regions.
  • To generate new knowledge on the effective development of regional bioeconomy strategies and roadmaps and make that knowledge available for uptake in policy processes in other regions across Europe.
  • Target groups           local, regional, national authorities and consumer organisations
  • academic, educational and research institutions
  • different types of cooperating companies


  • Ecologic Institut gemeinnützige GmbH, Germany (lead partners)
  • Bulgarian Industrial Association /BIA/
  • University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland
  • Wirtschaft und Infrastruktur GmbH & Co Planungs-KG, Germany
  • BIOCOM AG             
  • Macedonian Section of the International Centre for Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SWEDES-Skopje), Macedonia
  • Institute for Economic Forecasting, Romania
  • Latvian State Forest Research Institute "Silava", Latvia
  • National Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Poland

Geographical area of intervention: 1 International



Martin Stoyanov
1527 Sofia, 76 Chataldzha Str.
+3592 932 09 33